Plastic Surgery in Hampton Roads – Laser Resurfacing
Who is a Candidate for Laser Resurfacing?
You may be a candidate for laser resurfacing if you have fine or course wrinkles of the skin, usually on the face. Laser resurfacing may also be used to treat uneven skin surface as a result of scarring acne. Laser resurfacing is intened to give patients smoother, firmer more evenly colored skin.
Laser resurfacing is intended to give the patient a smoother, youthful-appearing skin of more uniform color.
About Laser Resurfacing
As we age, the effects of sun damage and environmental pollutants take their toll on our skin, causing it to wrinkle, develop sun spots and look tired. Laser resurfacing can reverse these effects and restore a healthy look to the skin. During the outpatient treatment, performed under local or general anesthesia, a precise area and depth of skin is removed. The body will naturally replace the old, damages skin that was removed, with a fresh healthy layer. Treatments can range from shallow (which might be appropriate for eliminating fine lines, sun spots and tired looking skin) to deep (which is often used to improve skin tone/texture and eliminate deep wrinkles, even in difficult areas like upper lip and crow’s feet).
You will be sent home with specific written instructions. Depending on location, the treated areas are usually covered with ointment. The treatment post-operatively will prevent formation of a crust or scab. Healing will be complete in 7 to 10 days. Redness (pink color) will usually last from 1 to 6 months. Makeup can be worn once healing is complete (7 to 10 days).
Other Procedures
Other facial procedures such as Eyelid Lift, Face Lift, Nose Reshaping, Cheek Implants, etc. can be performed at the same time.
Payment for Plastic Surgery
This procedure is considered cosmetic and therefore is not covered by insurance. The patient is responsible for payment. Our patient counselors can help you with your financial arrangements, including financing.
The specific risks and the suitability of this procedure for a given individual can be determined only at the time of consultation. All procedures have some degree of risk. Minor complications that do not affect the outcome occur occasionally. Major complications are rare.